Spring is the Time for Rejuvenation

Winter is almost over! Across the globe the weather has been fairly mild in comparison to other years. Even your skin has noticed a slight difference in the weather. Your skin might still be chapped and deficient of Vitamin D and could be flaky in some spots. With spring in the air, your skin is ready for a new season of rejuvenation. None of those nasty chemicals, either! Your refrigerator and grocery shop’s produce aisle have a plethora of ingredients perfect for the necessary skin rejuvenation that must follow the harsh elements of winter.

Vitamin C

Your body thrives on Vitamin C. Vitamin C is an immune booster and is rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and digestive aids. Vitamin C is a truly necessary nutrient to live a healthy lifestyle and maintain any semblance of youth. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that fruits rich in Vitamin C would be beneficial to rejuvenate your skin. For instance, lemon and honey combined will help remove age spots. Simply drizzle some honey onto a lemon and lightly rub the lemon over your face. Let it sit for ten minutes and wash. Repeat nightly and watch the age spots dissipate.

Another Vitamin C-rich remedy is the orange peel. The Vitamin C, antioxidants, and citric acid of an orange peel helps to reduce blemishes and even helps your skin look younger. It too, is a fairly simple and overlooked remedy. Simply dry the peels in the sun for a few days, and then grind the peels into a fine powder and add some flour and water to make a paste.  Apply it as a mask and leave it on your hands, face, and neck for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. Your skin will thank you and no one will believe you braved the winter at all.


Another wonderful fruit for the skin. Along with Vitamin C, it is rich in both Vitamins A and E. As a result, papaya works well to help exfoliate dry skin and replenish your skin with the vital nutrients to grow new, healthy skin.


Water is another one of nature’s greatest wonders. Drinking water as well as utilizing the power of fruits and vegetables with a high water content helps keep the skin fresh and healthy. For instance, drinking a gallon of water a day not only helps rid your body of toxins, but helps rejuvenate your internal organs as well as your external organs like your skin. When your body is well hydrated it works better, like a well-oiled machine.


A vegetable that is known for its healing properties because of its water content. Aside from helping your skin look healthier and younger, cucumber is a natural remedy for skin burn, which can happen even if it’s cold outside. Mixed with yogurt, it can leave your skin healed and looking years younger. Mixing cucumber with other water based fruits, such as watermelon, may allow you to help decrease acne, leaving your skin looking radiant.

Once you have utilized the natural remedies available to rejuvenate your skin, it is important to stock your home with all natural products to maintain your skin’s health. Safesha offers all natural hand sanitizers laced with sweet orange, olive oil, and water to help maintain your skin’s beauty while keeping you safe from germs.  To learn more about their products, contact Safesha at 877.672.3462.