Natural Health Remedies of Your Holiday Dinner

Many of us are getting our homes and kitchens ready for the holidays. Whether you are hosting Thanksgiving or bringing a pie to the family holiday dinner, our minds are thinking about food, family, and fun! However, what if we want our food to help our families to live long lives and continue having fun together? What foods can help us stay healthy for the holidays? You may be surprised at all of the health benefits you may find on your holiday dinner table.

Antioxidants and More

  • Cranberries. Cranberries are known to have antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. They are a known remedy for treating and preventing urinary tract infections. Moreover, the antioxidants are helpful to maintain a great immune system to help fight off colds and other viruses.
  • Sweet Potatoes. Sweet potatoes are chock full of vitamins A, B, C, D, magnesium, and potassium, to name a few. One sweet potato a day may be the equivalent of a multi-vitamin.
  • Pumpkin. Like sweet potatoes, pumpkin is a super food. It provides over 11 milligrams of vitamin C per 1 cup serving, carotenoids help protect your skin from cancer and wrinkles, potassium to protect your muscles, fiber, and lots of antioxidants.
  • Apples. Apples are chock full of water soluble fiber, antioxidants, and healthy bacteria. They are known to help protect the heart, prevent cancer, and increase metabolic health. They also help prevent diabetes and promote brain health.
  • Green Beans. Green Beans may be the world’s healthiest food. They provide a large amount of Vitamin K, Vitamins C and B2, magnesium, folate, and dietary fiber. They are known to promote cardiovascular health as well as providing antioxidants to help the body protect itself from the common cold or flu.
  • Olive Oil. Olive Oil has been shown to help fight inflammation, reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, prevent strokes and heart issues, fight osteoporosis, reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, and protect from depression. Moreover, let’s not forget, the impact it has on your skin, including helping prevent skin cancer.
  • Turkey. Turkey is typically lower in fat and higher in protein. Turkey is rich in iron, potassium, zinc, and phosphorus. It is also high in Vitamin B6 and niacin, as well as tryptophan (which produced serotonin, helping to protect the immune system) and selenium (which boosts immunity and acts as an antioxidant). Regular consumption helps the GI track and keep insulin levels stable.

While a holiday dinner may pack on the pounds if you eat too much, it definitely can be an excellent way to boost the immune system and stay healthy throughout the season.

And Don’t Forget to Wash Your Hands

Obviously, food alone cannot keep you safe from germs. It is important to wash your hands when cooking, using the restroom, or coming into contact with others that are sick. It is best to use all natural soaps to protect your body from toxins and chemicals and keep your skin safe from harsh chemicals. However, when you cannot wash your hands or when non-toxic soaps are not available, make sure you have your Safesha Natural Hand Sanitizer with you!